There are several banks and financial institutions in India that offer education loans to students who wish to pursue higher education abroad. These loans are typically designed to cover the cost of tuition, accommodation, and other expenses related to studying abroad.

To be eligible for an education loan for abroad studies in India, you will typically need to meet the following requirements:

  1. Be a citizen of India
  2. Have been accepted to a recognized educational institution abroad
  3. Have a good credit score and a stable income source
  4. Provide collateral or a co-borrower, if required by the lender

The terms and conditions of education loans for abroad studies vary depending on the lender and the specific loan product. Some factors that may affect the terms of the loan include the borrower’s credit score, the type of educational institution, and the course of study.

To apply for an education loan for abroad studies in India, you will need to submit an application to the lender and provide supporting documentation, such as proof of acceptance to an educational institution, proof of income, and collateral documents, if required. It is a good idea to compare the offerings of different lenders and choose a loan product that meets your specific needs and budget.